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Spirent TestCenter-HLTAPI: How to enable to the IPV4 control block Don't fragment bit ?

XTAPI 4.62.
We need to use the  -ip_fragment  option to enable to the IPV4 control block Don't fragment bit and set -ip_fragment to zero then that sets the DFbit to 1.

set streamblock_ret1 [::sth::traffic_config    \
        -mode                                             create\
        -port_handle                                      $port1\
        -stream_id                                         1\
        -l2_encap                                         ethernet_ii\
        -emulation_src_handle                             $src_hdl\
        -emulation_dst_handle                             $dst_hdl\
        -l3_protocol                                      ipv4\
        -ip_id                                            0\
        -ip_ttl                                           255\
        -ip_hdr_length                                    5\
        -ip_protocol                                      253\
        -ip_fragment_offset                               0\
        -ip_fragment                                    0\
        -ip_mbz                                           0\
        -ip_precedence                                    6\
        -ip_tos_field                                     0\
        -enable_control_plane                             0\
        -l3_length                                        128\
        -name                                             StreamBlock_1\
        -fill_type                                        constant\
        -fcs_error                                        0\
        -fill_value                                       0\
        -frame_size                                       128\
        -traffic_state                                    1\
        -high_speed_result_analysis                       1\
        -length_mode                                      fixed\
        -dest_port_list                                   $port2\
        -tx_port_sending_traffic_to_self_en               false\
        -disable_signature                                0\
        -enable_stream_only_gen                           1\
        -pkts_per_burst                                   1\
        -inter_stream_gap_unit                            bytes\
        -burst_loop_count                                 30\
        -transmit_mode                                    continuous\
        -inter_stream_gap                                 12\
        -rate_percent                                     10\
        -mac_discovery_gw                        \


Product : API