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In iTest how to avoid getting “Learn this prompt” dialog box during Testcase execution?


 In iTest during test case execution for the first time, if the channel becomes idle and the text on the line is not a defined prompt, then the status bar presents a Learn this prompt link as shown below.

When we click the Learn this prompt link, the Learn Prompt dialog box enables us to tell Spirent iTest that the text is a prompt.

If we click OK on the Learn Prompt dialog box to identify the text as a prompt, then the test case result is unchanged and execution continues immediately with the next step and we will not face this Learn Prompt dialog box next time for that particular prompt.

Once we click OK on Learn prompt dialog box, the selected prompt will be learned.

After the completion of the execution of captured steps, an "Update session profile” wizard will pop-up immediately asking to add the learned new prompts in the session profile, Click on Next  and then click on Finish on the last wizard as shown below.

Saved prompts will be able to see under session properties->More->Prompts in the session profile.

In case, if we don't want to get any Learn prompts during testcase execution for the first time also, we need to add those prompts manually under Session profile   properties->More->Prompts.


Product : Velocity Portfolio,Velocity iTest