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How can I tell if the appropriate data packets are sent via the correct dedicated and default bearers for LTE test cases on Landslide?


When the sessions established, please note the Tunnelling End IDentities (TEIDs) assigned to each Bearer ID. Then when data is running verify that the appropriate protocol is using the correct TEID

 For example: SGW Nodal with one dedicated and default bearers.

Use the TFT Settings box to assign the appropriate data to the dedicated bearers, e.g. configure protocol number to 17 for UDP data to be assigned to the dedicated bearer.

Under the L3-7 tab, add two Data Message Flows (TCP and UDP).

The TCP data packets will be sent via the default bearer, the UDP data will be sent via the dedicated bearer. You can check the TEID of Bearer ID 5 ( for the default bearer) and TEID of Bearer ID 6 (for the dedicated bearer), then check the TEID in GTP header from the UDP data packet and TCP data packet to confirm the appropriate data is using the correct TEID.

Product : Landslide,LTE,Landslide Client,S5/S8,S11,S1